A vision for flourishing
One word has been more influential in Western philosophy than most others. It’s called eudaimonia, the Greek word for flourishing.
For thousands of years we have been searching for the ideal state of affairs through which society can bring about well-being for all, bringing the true, the beautiful, and the good to earth.
In modern times we might do this through efforts like universal basic income or tariffs or canceling student debt.
But one organization, the Oikonomia Network, has a vision for flourishing communities I want to share with you all. (Oikonomia, by the way, is the Greek word from which we derive economy or stewardship.)
They call these the Twelve Elements of Economic Wisdom.
So, how can pastors on the ground create the good we want to see in the world? These elements, combined with “pastoral pathways,” can help churches and communities develop their well-being.
We’ll be exploring more of this framework in the coming weeks. In the meantime, be thinking about which of the twelve elements you find most helpful.
Thanks for reading.